Archive for the 'Muchi Muchi 7' Category
Muchi Muchi 7’s “Muchi Muchi Dream Vol.1”

Insert random emo rant about no one paypaling me for my scans, now I’ll send them to some exclusive pay site! (more…)

Muchi Muchi 7’s “Muchi Muchi Carnival 3”

From C75, this is the latest doujin by the circle Muchi Muchi 7.  It contains three “chapters” covering the three main female characters from Dragon Quest 5, with each page done by a different artist.  Enjoy! (more…)

Muchi Muchi 7’s “Muchi Muchi Bomber Vol.3”

Doujinshi #3 for this weekend! Yeah, I know it is Monday, but still! :) More below the cut. (more…)

Muchi Muchi 7’s “Muchi Muchi Bomber Vol.2”

Now for Release #2 of 4! More below the cut. (more…)

Muchi Muchi 7’s “Muchi Muchi Bomber Vol.1”

I didn’t have a chance to get anything released last weekend, so to make it up to everyone, I’ve got multiple releases this time! Let’s get to the first one, shall we? (more…)

November 2007 Releases

The doujinshi I scanned in November consisted of two full color books by Muchi Muchi 7 and URC, as well as a copybon by Mekongdelta. (more…)